I believe that certain corporation give importance
Discussion 2.1 What surprises you about early cinema
Q Consider the origins of cinema up to the early examples of cinema we've watched in this lesson. What surprised you? Discuss at least one example specifically.
What surprised me is the same thing that increased my respect for Hollywood movies. It is very true that making a movie in the earlier times was not at all an easy task. There were so many obstacles and problems faced and that could have been only overcome by a sheer passion for movie making. "The Horse in Motion'' simply blew my mind because of the sheer painstaking effort it took to capture the movement of the horse. It also took certain level of innovation and original thinking to find out ways by which moving objects could be captured. It is rightly said that necessity is the mother of invention. Capturing this movement was a remarkable job done because it was proved that camera was able to capture what human eyes miss. This was a significant revolution